Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Ornamental Trees


As we travel along the roads of Singapore, we might see some trees that showcases lovely flowers. Though commonly in parks as well, there is always the chance that a family can grow some ornamental trees in their own balcony or garden. Below are some examples that we can offer.

Better known as: Frangipani
Botanical family: Apocynaceae

Originating in the New World tropics, from southern Mexico to northern South America and the West Indies, Plumeria is now found in all tropical countries, including sunny Singapore. This plant is named after Charles Plumier (1646-1706), a French botanist.

There are many different variety of frangipani, and this can seen by the numerous hues of flowers that blooms every seasons. Should you want to cultivate a frangipani in your house, one has to come down personally to select the colour as we have several colours in stock. This is one plant that is easy to manage as frangipanis prefers full sun and good drainage but will still grow in semi-shade.

Artocarpus altilis
Better known as: Breadfruit
Botantical family: Moraceae

In it's native Polynesia, this large evergreen tree is grown primarily for it's nutritious fruit. Unfortuntely, in Singapore, this tree can only be grown in gardens and not on balconies as it require a lot of space and land. Other than harvesting the fruit for consumption (which is quite delicious), this tree can be grown as an ornamental because of its large and dark green leaves, which have promienent yellow veins. Breadfruit trees need full sun and well drained soil, but will grow under a light, high canopy. What we are offering is the fruit itself as the only grown tree that we have is over 20metres tall.